Saturday, March 29, 2025

Palani Aani Annabishekam 2023

Aani Annabhishekam in Palani is on 21st July 2024

This year Aani 1st of Tamil Month in Palani is the time for Annabhishekam. It means anointing and decorating the idol with cooked and aromatic rice. The abhishekam is done in the hill temple, Periya Udayar temple, Perianayaki temple and Thiru Aavinankudi temple. On the day of Aani uthiram an abhishekam is performed to Lord Nataraja and then taken on a procession along with nalvar- of the Tamil saints Thirugnanasambandar, Thirunavukkarasar, Sundarar and Manickavasagar.
