Saturday, March 29, 2025

Palani Murugan Panguni Uthiram Festival - 2024

Palani Panguni Uthiram is on March 25th 2024 (Monday) – 10 Days Panguni Uthiram Festival 2024

This is also an important festival celebrated for 10 days. People carry Kavadis and there are also lots of rural folk dances during this period. But the highlight is the Abhishekam in the holy water carried from Kodumudi.People mainly farmers offer paddy to the Divine Lord Murugan during this Period. On everyday of this festival Lord Murugan is taken for processions along with Valli and Deyvaanai during the forenoons and at night.

This festival attracts over one lakh people from all over south India.

The Kavadi:

Kavadi is a form of offering made by the devotees to Lord Murugan.

A kavadi is a stick or rod with baskets attached at both ends. A person offering Kavadi to Lord Murugan would carry it on his shoulders and walk barefooted to Palani. The baskets on both ends are used for carrying the offering.

The carrying of kavadi and the penance symbolize that whatever be the social position of the person, he is only a humble mortal in the great plan of universe and god; he must offer himself to God in complete surrender by getting rid of his Ego. Also by inflicting small pains and walking barefooted for a long distance to the temple one learns endurance.

The Kavadi is also decorated in flowers and Peacock Feathers along with bells and other assorted items.

Decoration depends on the type of vow of the devotees. It simply varies from weightless poo-kavadi to brass bearing heavy Kavadis.

Agni Kavadi:

This is a very difficult form of Kavadi to undertake. With the kavadi on his shoulders, the devotee walks over the long pit/path with burning coals. This symbolizes that if one is true to his faith on Lord Murugan he can undertake any difficulties in life for he shall help you overcome them. The devotees usually enter a state of euphoria while doing this process and lose sensation of burns on their feet; they do not get any burns at all.

Pal Kavadi:In pal kavadi the devotee usually carries milk as an offering to god. It is belived that those who offer items for the kavadi are also blessed along with the devotee who bears it.

Anna Kavadi:In this type, the devotee usually takes rice/grains/anything related to annam as an offering to Lord Murugan and get blessed.

Poo Kavadi:In pookavadi the devotee tends to carry flowers in form of Kavadi as an offering to Lord Murugan.
