Saturday, March 29, 2025

Winch - Palani Hill Temple

palani winch trainPalani Murugan draws the largest number of devotees among all the temples of Tamilnadu. All the devotees cannot walk up the steep hill -with 693 steps to climb up. The old, sick and children were carried in ‘dolies’ in the past by pandarams for a fee. Two sets of people operated. The first carried the infirm devotee up to 225th step; from their onwards another set of people took up the dolies up to top of the hill. Thanks to the modern technology man carrying man was stoppedIn 1966 the temple introduced the first winch-weighing 22 tons- with a capacity for 36 seats. Now the conveyance has become cheap; It is quick to go up; easy to operate. The travel is just for about 5 minutes.For this purpose the Devasthanam laid a rail road for a length of 290 meters with the help TNEB authorities from Kundha project. They further help in regular maintenance and periodic servicing.The haulage system works well. If there is no electricity, generators are put to service for non-stop service. Second rail road was commissioned in the mean time. Winch Train Timings: The service is available between 5 am. to 9 pm regularly and for a nominal fee. On important festival days the winch service operates between 4 am – 10 pm. However there was a great demand for this service as more and more people were attracted to the winch facility which is available only in this temple. Naturally a second winch was also set on operation. Even then the ever growing numbers of devotees were not satisfied. Now the third is being planned and will be launched soon. The small trip is really made pleasant and joyful due to the presence of greenery around. It draws children and old, sick and weak for the darshan of Kulanthaivelan. Not only the temple draws devotees. But the devotees also get literally drawn to hilltop temple by winches.At the lower part of the hill the adivaram winch station maintains artificial water falls and beautiful gardens with ponds, carpeted in green and complimented with flowers.

Online Winch Train Booking – Palani Winch Train Online

1.To avail Winch Train Service in Palani Murugan Temple we need book the ticket online for slot

2. Online Booking Not Available temporarily through palani temple website.



Palani Temples

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