Saturday, March 29, 2025

Thiru Aavinankudi Temple

tiru_aavinakudi_templeThis Temple is located in the foothills of palani.The name Thiru aavinankudi (Thiru Avinankudi)originated as Lord Sun,Lakshmi,kamadenu,Agni worshipped Lord Muruga here.The Temple is located near the sacred pond “saravanapoigai” and “Vaiyaburi”.The temple exsisted before Palani Dhandayuthapani swamy and in ancient times palani ia refered as Thiru aavinankudi.

It is the Third house of the “arupadai veedu”.The Kodimaram is made of single stone which is notable thing.Lord muruga (as child sitting on the peacock)is the main deity here other deities are Vinayaga,Annamalaiyar ,Unnamulai amman,Lord saniswara bagavan,Dhakshinamoorthy.

The special thing is Separate shrine is maintained for Lord saniswara bagawan.Lord muruga shrine is said to be “Kulandhai Velayudhaswami“.People usually first visit Thiru aavinankudi(Thiru Avinankudi) and then climb the foot hills of Palani.

Sacred Tree: Nelli(amla), Naagalinga Flora

Tiru Aavinankudi Temple Timings:  6 am to 9 pm

Thiru Aavinankudi Temple Contact Number: +91 – 4545 – 242493